{ "layers": [ { "currentVersion": 11.2, "cimVersion": "3.2.0", "id": 0, "name": "NCCOS NMFS Surveys Oregon 2023", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "NOAA\u2019s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) provided spatial data for NMFS\u2019 scientific surveys to NOAA\u2019s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) for BOEM\u2019s consideration in the spatial model developed by NCCOS for BOEM\u2019s OR Call Areas and proposed Wind Energy Area (WEA) designation. This combined data layer was created using four data layers that represent survey operations:\u202f two 4-nautical mile (nm) wide East-West sampling corridors, a 2-nm wide survey transect corridor, and a survey station buffer with a 2-nm wide radius. Click here for a complete description of NMFS\u2019 scientific survey data recommendations and methodologies used to develop this combined layer.Disclaimer for NMFS\u2019 Role in NCCOS Offshore Wind Spatial Planning Work for BOEM: NCCOS is providing BOEM with technical assistance to support BOEM\u2019s spatial planning in relation to offshore wind projects. This support is being provided with funding resources from NCCOS and through reimbursable support from BOEM to NCCOS. NMFS is providing technical assistance to NCCOS regarding available science (i.e. data layers and modeling methods) for BOEM\u2019s consideration in their spatial modeling efforts. These efforts are supporting BOEM's ocean and coastal planning activities related to siting of call areas, wind energy areas, and transmission cable routing. The information provided by NMFS to NCCOS is purely technical in nature and does not reflect or constitute an official agency policy, position, or action. Official NMFS positions related to spatial planning for offshore wind activity will be submitted by NMFS through written comments to BOEM during the planning and review processes for each activity. 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