Description: The Core Samples feature class is a collection of sediment core and borehole locations and their respective summary attributes. These data were compiled from multiple agencies conducting investigations and studies relevant to outer continental shelf (OCS) non-energy mineral resource (e.g. sand, gravel, shell) management. Many of these efforts were funded at least partially by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) (formerly known as the Minerals Management Service). The summary information for each core and boring location includes (but is not limited to) core/borehole ID, state, date/time, x/y coordinates (and horizontal datum), method of sampling, sampling device, elevation (and vertical datum), penetration depth, percent recovery, study name, and source agency contact information. Digitized core/borelogs and sediment sample data (if available; e.g. layer descriptions, grain-size analyses, Munsell color, etc.) are contained in the related Core Layers and Samples tables, respectively. The associated study report(s) are linked via the Link Documents table. This feature class will be updated as new data are received.
Description: The Grab Samples feature class is a collection of sediment grab locations and their respective summary attributes. These data were compiled from multiple agencies conducting investigations and studies relevant to outer continental shelf (OCS) non-energy mineral resource (e.g. sand, gravel, shell) management. Many of these efforts were funded at least partially by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) (formerly known as the Minerals Management Service). The summary information for each grab location includes (but is not limited to) grab ID, state, date/time, x/y coordinates (and horizontal datum), sampling device, elevation (and vertical datum), penetration depth, study ID, and source agency contact information. Laboratory analyses of sediment sample data (if available; e.g. textural classification, grain-size analyses, Munsell color, etc.) are contained in the related Samples table. The associated study report(s) are linked via the Link Documents table. This feature class will be updated as new data are received.